BSB, Brunei
Welcome to Brunei Darussalam. Kampong Kilanas is one of the village situated in Brunei III. We would like to share as much information about us and also the activities in this blogspot. Please leave a comment if you wish further information at the below of each posting. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Transparency of General Information

All parties involved in TKI processes which to be monitored by GRT Consultant are expected to be acknowledged and must verified the following information before signing any agreement or letter of acceptance:

1. Term of Reference - Responsiblilities and function

2. Detail of job description of each employee.

3. Minimum and maximum daily working time. 8 hours is minimum and any extended excess hours during working must be clearly written and accepted by all parties. In case of excess working time or overtimes, this must be indicated to ensure additional rewards to be made.

4. In case of the job is over-burdening the employee TKI from any abnormal situations, this must be addressed in the agreement. For example, domestic helper is normally work comfortably and efficient when looking after a family of 5, which includes a husband, a wife and 3 children. Whenever the number in each family is more than 5, an acceptance must be made either in financial gain from minimum salary or rest time allocation.

5. Period of conducting duties indicating start daily working time and finish work. Usually Sunday is off day but this may be changed to suit each party.

6. Employer must state in the agreement in accordane with Labour Regulations to borne shelter, food and medical expenses etc. in all written declaration in the agreement.

7. When there is requirement of compensating expenses during recruitment owed to any party, this must be declared in written, before imposing salary cut or deduction. The statement must be agreed by all parties.

General Term & Agreement GTA

GTA including term of references shall be established in accordance with Labour Law of both governments between all parties prior to supply of TKI and as follows:

1. GTA between Agents in Indonesia and Agents in Brunei

2. GTA between Agent in Indonesia and Employee TKI

3. GTA between Agents in Brunei and Employee TKI

4. GTA between Employers and Employees in Brunei

5. Letter of Appointment of GRT Consultant from Agent in Indonesia

6. Letter of Appointment of GRT Consultant from Agents in Brunei

7. Letter of acceptance for welfare monitoring between GRT Consultant and Employees

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

General Processes of TKI

General Processes of TKI
General guidelines and processes involved in recruitment of TKI:

1. Resourcing of TKI.

First method is through "Sponsors" who have established recruitment centre throughout Indonesia. This service is easy way to get TKI in short period but it does involve initial payment from 3 to 5 Juta Rupiah. This is where normal TKI has to pay back with their monthly income salary ranging from 3 to 7 months.

Second method is by direct recruitment by both affiliated Indonesian agents. There is a small financial involved to transport TKI from their origin residence to PT in Indonesia. This method has the disadvantage of consuming times.

2. Each TKI is screened with medical health check prior enrollment to PT agents in Indonesia.

3. Once enrolled, each TKI shall be trained in their proficiency and skill to what term of reference of job in Brunei. Training may be from one to 3 weeks. Once satisfactory, a biodata of each TKI shall be issued.

4. GRT Consultant shall verify each biodata correct then submit it to Brunei agents for Brunei Employer to decide and make selection.

5. Each selected TKI biodata shall be submitted to Indonesian Embassy in Brunei, attached with Employer's quota and employment permit, to get a job number.

6. GRT Consultant firstly shall collect the payment from each Employer and make payment for services rendered by Indonesian agent. The job number including all attached documentation shall be submitted o Indonesia agents for next process to endorse for working visa on TKI's passport to Brunei Embassy in Jakarta.

7. Transportation of TKI to Brunei. Indonesia agent shall arrange TKI at airport in Jakarta and monitored by GRT Consultant representative.

8. Agent in Brunei shall meet each TKI on arrival in Brunei Airport. Where possible the Employer may be present to receive and welcome each TKI to the employment residence in Brunei.

9. GRT Consultant shall monitor the provide accommodation of each TKI and welfares while in Brunei, during arrival and every three months.

10. Brunei Agents shall arrange second medical check, Identity card application for each TKI. Brunei Employer shall borne all fees during this process.

11. Whenever there is any issues, GRT Consultant shall be the mediator for all parties involved.

12. Brunei Agent shall also arrange the repatriate of each TKI at the end of their employment services.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

GRT Consultant Representatives

GRT Consultant Representatives:

1. Meyana (Jakarta) HP: +62 817760044

2. Pg Haji Shamsir (Brunei Darussalam) HP: +673 8816591

The main role of the GRT Consultant Representatives is assist in getting information and feedback from all affiliated parties.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Responsibilities - GRT Consultant


1. The primary responsibility of the consultant is to act as agreed mediator ensuring every party communicates in transparency.

2. GRT has mean to support various parties to outsource and insource any potential of each party to others by close networking and monitoring the position of affiliated cartel and market profile in local market.

3. The special role of GRT Consultant is to ensure no abusiveness and distortion on manpower during their employment in Brunei. GRT Consultant representative shall verify the living condition of each contracted employee is managed appropriate as per the agreement.

4. PT TKI has agreed GRT Consultant to manage the air transportation of each contracted employee by negotiating the ticket issue and affordable price when possible.

5. GRT Consultant also ensure the Employers are kept informed with the contemporary legal requirements and provide Employer solutions and protect against default of agents and employees..

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Responsibilities - Employers in Brunei


1. Valid employment permit/quota

2. Payment to Agents

3. Medical check payment

4. Salary and allowances of employee

5. Logistic on arrival

6. Reasonable shelter and foods as per agreement

7. Annual Workman Insurance

8. Return Ticket at the end of employment services

The Responsibilities - Agents in Brunei Darussalam


1. Interview of potential Employer

2. Application of Employment Job card at Indonesia Embassy

3. Immigration Arrangement in Brunei

4. 2nd Medical Check Arrangement

5. Logistic on arrival

The Responsibilities - Agent in Indonesia


1. Recruitment/Biodata

2. Training/Award Certificate Issuance

3. Immigration/Passport/Visa

4. 1st Medical Check

5. Insurance of Employee while in Indonesia

6. General Term Agreement

7. Penalties and Compensation

8. Provide approprite hospitality for Employers during visit to Indonesia.

List of Affiliated Manpower Agencies


Kompleks Pergudangan 8 Blk. BK
Jalan Perancis Raya, dadap, Tangerang - Indonesia
(Tomy Halim)

Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan
No. 27 Kel. Babakan Kec. Tangerang
Kota Tangerang
(Drs. Abdel Kalif)


Product And Services

1. The Cooperation of Manpower Agencies in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam

2. Profiling of Market share and profiling of Agencies

3. Standardized Procedures and Processes

4. Information on employment

5. Term of References

6. Market Review

7. Labour Needs Identification

8. Business expansion

9. Welfare Interview for Employees

10 Selection of appropriate potential Employers

Vision And Mission Statements

The vision of the consultancy is to ensure transparency and reliability getting the resources from reputable recruitment centres in Indonesia and reputable end-user companies in Brunei Darussalam. The main objective of merging of the two entities is to seek long term business which is legal in accordance with labour enactment. The consultancy also looks into the profiling of competition and identifies the associate agent's status in the landscape of manpower marketing and sales.

The primary mission is to provide local companies with enrollment of skilled manpower with reliable source from primarily Indonesia, alternatively from Singapore and Malaysia. High quality excellent services with reasonably priced. The business approach is niche market with medium pricing and high quality and prompt service delivery.

The other roles of this consultancy is to ensure all processes are transparent and the delivery of manpower is carried out professionally. This consultancy is also act as mediator if any discrepancies of employment processes for both recruitment party and agent/end-user parties.

This blog shall cover the general processes and provide guidelines of normal recruitment of manpower till the employment. It also provides terms of references for various parties of recruitment, employer, employee and handling agents.

My Contact:

HP: +6738754758
